School’s Guide to Lowering the Cost of ICT Equipment
ICT equipment is a major financial burden for most schools because it is an ongoing investment. We have therefore decided to take a look at a few effective ways to keep the costs of ICT equipment low without affecting the quality of computer science classes.
Shopping for the best price. Schools usually select ICT suppliers by comparing the offers they receive. This, however, is not the best way to get the best price. Schools who take a more active role in the search for the best price, for example by researching the market, get the same piece of equipment for a much lower price.
Purchasing with the future upgrades in mind. In order to keep up with the ICT developments, the equipment needs to be upgraded on a virtually routine basis. When shopping for the best price, it is therefore also highly important to make sure that the equipment can be upgraded at a low cost. Sometimes it is better to spend more to save more.
Buying directly from the producers. Obviously, the price for the same piece of equipment will be much lower if you buy it directly from the manufacturer. For that reason it is a good idea to contact the producers directly. Some even give special discount for schools.
Buying energy saving equipment. It is not just the ICT equipment that requires lots of resources but the energy that is required to run it as well. Therefore it is a good idea to invest in energy saving equipment even if it means paying a slightly higher purchase price.
Watching for the hidden costs. ICT equipment is notorious for requiring frequent technical repairs and maintenance jobs. And these can be very expensive. When looking for the most favourable ICT supplier, it is therefore also important to watch for the costs of technical support.
Employing an ICT technician. Sometimes it is less expensive to have a full time ICT technician to maintain the equipment rather than to utilise technical support by the supplier or an ICT firm.
Encouraging the use of laptops. If all students would bring their own laptops to schools, the schools’ only ICT expense would be providing a wireless network. And considering that most students have their own computers anyway, investment in laptop would not pose a major financial burden for their parents. It may be therefore a good idea to encourage parents to buy their kids laptops or tablets instead of stationary computers.